Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brice is 5 months!!

Well it has been a while..... So many new things are going on.
Brice has his very first tooth, he is also eating solid food ( although I think the thinks I am poisoning him!) And his new favorite place to hang out is in his Johnny Jumper. He Is a horrible napper, but he sleeps well at night, only waking up one to eat. He thinks Emma and Jake are the funniest people on the planet, and he LOVES daddy. Mommy is his favorite person when it come to cuddle time, but when he wants to sleep he likes to be put down awake. He is total Unlike my other two kids, and it seems like he has been here forever! He makes my heart hurt sometimes when he smiles at me, and he is a serious hair puller. He goes by many names....Bricey, bricer ricer, sugar booger, and Mr.Man are the ones that get used most often. We love our little guy so much and can't imagine our family without him!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9 months is a long time to wait!

Sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed is way better than sleeping in my crib!!!

Yes, the scale says 9lbs 6oz!

He was a little mad that he got ripped from his warm home, and thrown into the light

Daddy, Jacob, and Emma waiting for daddy to be called into the opperating room.

So after 9 long months, the day finally arrived! Because I had a c section the first 2 times we scheduled one for this time too. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my doctor and when he scheduled the operating room he made sure that he got the first slot at 7:30 am. He said that we waited 9 months and he didn't want us to have to wait any longer! Everything was running so good that morning that we actually went into the O.R. early. Brice Jeffery Richardson was born on 9/9/11 at 7:33am. The first thing my doc said was " I may have underestimated how much he weighs" He thought that Brice was going to be about 8lbs. . .hahahaha! We stayed in the hospital for 3 nights and by the time they wanted to let me go I was beyond ready!

We are all so in love with this beautiful little guy! Emma and Jake are wonderful big siblings, they worry about "baby Brice" and do pretty much anything I ask.

There are more pictures to come I promise!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A birthday and a graduation!

Emma in her Graduation stuff.

Emma's graduation dress that grandma Mary got her. She looked very grown up.

Yes I made the cake. I know shocker huh?

Last week our little man turned 4. It is hard to believe that he is already 4. He is a funny and smart little boy. He knows almost everything about John Deere, and what every different kind of tractor does. He LOVES to work outside with his Daddy and his Papas. He is a man's boy.
He starts preschool next year and is really excited about being a big brother!

Emma also graduated from Kindergarten. Frankly I find kindergarten graduation to be a little silly, but it was cute to see her up there with all her friends. She got the Super Reader award. She is an amazing reader. We were so proud of her. She has grown into a great young lady. She is ready to start 1st grade, and was a little bummed when I told her that she had to wait 2 1/2 months before school started again. The girl LOVES school. ( thank goodness!!!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A day at the Zoo!

Saturday was the first really nice day that Emma had off from school, and I wasn't feeling crummy! We packed up our stuff and headed to the zoo. Aunt Caralee, Grandma E and Papa Dale joined us for our adventure. We had a great time exploring our local zoo, we haven't been there for over a year and a lot had changed. It was one of those days you want to last forever!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Great Bambino!!!

Emma is playing T-ball this year. She has really taken to it and is the best thrower on her team. She does get a little board when she is put in the outfield ( who doesn't?). Next year she will be old enough to play coach pitch, but as she says " I'm just not sure about someone throwing a ball at my face." She still is Em through and through!

Monday, April 25, 2011

So after the miscarriage in November we found out that we were expecting in December, yes we were very surprised! Here are the 3-D ultrasound pictures of our baby boy. Yes, a boy. We are very excited! After seeing theses we are even more excited to see him in September.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The news is out!

So. . . as most for you know, Ryan and I have been trying for over 2 years to get pregnant again. There were a lot of doctors appointments, tons of tests, and a lot of disappointment, but we are FINALLY expecting!
Really, I still am in denial mode. It hasn't happened so many times that when the little plus sign showed up on the pee stick I couldn't believe it. I even called Ry into the bathroom to look at it. After taking 3 more tests and getting all positives I started to believe it was real. There are still so many things that can go wrong between now and Aug 1 ( the due date), but I am grateful to know that we can still get pregnant, and right now that is all I am thinking about!
We are beyond excited! And other than feeling crappy and grumpy and tired, I feel good. :)